The class will run for 8 weeks.
Your Host and professor is Thatcher Keats
This class could be called "A Life With Photography"
Issues of technical competence, aesthetic concerns, differing lives in photography, artistic deficiencies, as well as the issue of exploitation and empathy will be addressed through discourse, presentation, and critique sessions.
There will be visiting artists who will present their work to the class.
Much of what will be accomplished is a more active and comfortable relationship with photography. If one shoots landscapes, they will get better taking pictures of people. If you are a a people person, you will work on shooting things or places. We will also consider the issue of fairness in intimate photographs. Think of the class as personal training for your visual sense.

The class is open to anyone with a film or digital camera. Basic knowledge of the operation of one's camera is essential, as this class will cover some technical issues slightly above the Photo 1 level. The ability to make small and rough prints, at home, online, at a lab or in a darkroom will be necessary for aesthetic discussions within the class. The issue of electronic versus analogue imaging will be considered.
Students will also post images online for class perusal, in the form of an electronic diary.
The Classes will be held on Wednesdays starting at 7pm at
The Christopher Henry Gallery,
which is located at 127 Elizabeth just below Broome.
The cost for the 8 sessions in $500.00 (or about $20 an hour).
Thatcher Keats has exhibited at ClampArt, The Christopher Henry Gallery, The National Arts Club, and Fashion Moda, among others. hosts a portfolio of his work. Keats has been a guest of Yaddo, and has published a book, Confidence Games, in 2006. Keats has taught publicly and privately in New York for four years, including at the International Center of Photography in 2010.
Please call @ 347-728-1141, or send an email to to reserve a spot.
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